S5E11 – Dead Sushi

Toss away your expectations! This week’s B Movie Mania is filled with rice zombies, new viral charity challenges, and Big Tuna as we talk about Dead Sushi! Dead Sushi is Noboru Iguchi’s ridiculous 2012 entry into Japanese cultural commentary and details the struggles of a young woman making her way in a world of creepy men and venomous morsels. Everyone’s favorite B Movie Maniac, Mike, even talks about the movie MASH for some reason! And Paul hates Mike’s choice of rating scale! Just like the movie, things stop making sense at some point.

You can watch Dead Sushi anywhere DVDs or Blu-rays are sold. Thanks for removing the movie from streaming before we release the episode, Amazon Prime. But you CAN still rent Dead Sushi on Amazon Prime

P.S.: We also talk about a special kiss the Japanese do. To get a sense of what that is, check out this inspirational scene from 1985’s Tampopo. A film that is just like Dead Sushi if you only watch the egg kissing part.

B-Movie Mania
B-Movie Mania
S5E11 - Dead Sushi