BMMtv Episode 12: ZARDOZ!

THIS IS IT! The season finale of B-Movie Mania! To celebrate the occasion, Mike and Paul are reviewing just ONE more movie- the incomparable ZARDOZ, starring Sean Connery.
Plus, our man on the street Tim finally makes some new friends!

B-Movie Mania is a bi-weekly movie review show hosted by Mike Hayes and Paul Brooks! You can watch on Can TV Channel 19 in Chicago every Thursday night at 9pm and Friday afternoons at 4pm.
The show premieres on YouTube Friday nights at 9pm central! Join the live chat with Mike and Paul! We love these b-movies!!

S3E7 – Highlander II

There can only be ONE episode about Highlander II: The Quickening. Unless you count the teaser episode…and all the other podcasts that have episodes about Highlander II: The Quickening. But ours is the only episode you’ll consider canon!
Tune in as we try to wrap our brains around possibly the most disliked installment of any film franchise.

B-Movie Mania
B-Movie Mania
S3E7 - Highlander II

Teaser – Highlander II

This week’s B-Movie Mania teaser has The Maniacs discussing next week’s film, Highlander 2, as well as a demonstration why there can be only one Maniac per teaser episode.

B-Movie Mania
B-Movie Mania
Teaser - Highlander II